We always take into consideration our professional's suggestions and concerns. Building the meal plan from scratch in each appointment can be very time-consuming that is why in this new update you can look through, and import meal plans templates already available in the software, as well and recommendations and food to avoid templates.

What are the advantages?

Now you can import meal plans templates already integrated into Nutrium and adjust them accordingly to your clients' needs.

The same applies to foods to avoid and general recommendations.

How to import meal plans templates?

The software's meal plans templates have several energetic values (from 1200 kcal to 2500 kcal) and the micronutrient distribution is 20% proteins, 30% fats and 50% carbs, and are based on the most recommended foods on Nutrium.

The meal plans templated integrated are the following:

  • 1200 kcal meal plan (no food restriction);
  • 1500 kcal meal plan (no food restriction);
  • 1800 kcal meal plan (no food restriction);
  • 2000 kcal meal plan (no food restriction);
  • 2200 kcal meal plan (no food restriction);
  • 2500 kcal meal plan (no food restriction).

To import the software's meal plans templates directly to your client's profile you just need to access the section Meals on the appointment layout and click in Import meal plan, after that, you just need to choose the option Meal plans templates.

altimport meal plans templates

Recommendations and foods to avoid templates

On the section Recommendations of the appointment layout, you can import Foods to avoid templates, according to your client's specific needs.

To do that, you need to click on the button Import foods to avoid from other patient or template and choose one already integrated into the software.

There are several templates available, for clients with High cholesterolDiabetesHypertension and Obesity; and even a more general template for a Healthy lifestyle, according to the most common recommendations given by nutrition professionals.

import meal plans templatesimport meal plans templates

Likewise, on the section Other recommendations you can register additional recommendations for your clients to help with their lifestyle transition. Thus we have integrated a template for a Healthier Lifestyle. To do that, click on the button Import recommendations from other patients or templates

How do we want to improve this feature?

Our team will continue working to create a wider variety of meal plans templates adapted to different health conditions so we can continue helping nutrition professionals to deliver the best nutrition counselling to a higher number of clients.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to create your own meal plan templates, check this article and find out how.

Want to explore Nutrium? We'll be more than happy to show you around. Register here to have access to this feature and much more during 14 days, for free.
