Estimate muscle and skeletal mass with new predictive equations

Estimate muscle and skeletal mass with new predictive equations

Find out which predictive equations exist in Nutrium and how you can estimate muscle and skeletal mass using them.

Being accurately aware of the body composition or the different body compartments and not only considering weight is also very important for any nutrition professional since it is directly correlated with health status.

That being said, having access to tools which can easily predict the proportion of more body components, such as muscle mass, skeletal mass, fat mass, and residual mass is lifechanging for nutrition professionals in the clinical, sports, and hospital setting.

The four-component anthropometric model to measure body composition as well as alongside with the two-component model can be used. The first model is based on evaluating four components: skeletal mass, fat mass, muscle mass, and residual mass.

types of mass for predictive equations

Which equations have we integrated?

Muscle, skeletal, and residual mass can be registered manually, or they can be predicted by newly integrated equations after recording the required anthropometric values.

Residual mass

Residual Mass and its percentage can be estimated automatically through Würch equation, and the only data required is weight and the patient's gender.

residual mass

Skeletal mass

To estimate skeletal mass through Von Döbeln equation (1964) modified by Rocha (1975), patient's height, bi-styloid breadth, and biepicondylar femur breadth are required.

skeletal mass

Muscle mass

Finally, to estimate muscle mass according to De Rose, E.H., Guimarães A.G.(1980) equation, you need to register the patient's weight, fat, skeletal a residual mass.

How to easily calculate this with Nutrium

In Nutrium, you just need to type in your nutrition clients measurements, and the software will immediately calculate the client's muscle and skeletal mass.

predictive equations in Nutrium

Alongside these predictive equations, you can also determine BMR and percentage of fat mass with a few clicks, all of them evidence-based. Check here what other equations are available.

With no need for a calculator or excel sheets, Nutrium can now quickly provide your clients with a more accurate anthropometric evaluation. And also help you to make the anthropometric assessment faster, with the help of predictive equations.

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